HSIB / AACE safety learning webinar for ambulance services staff – recording available

The Association of Ambulance Chief Executives (AACE) and the Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB) held a safety learning webinar on 21 June 2021, specifically for ambulance services staff.

The free webinar was for all staff interested in service improvement and the wide variety of learning to be gained from HSIB’s unique and in-depth investigations.


Downloads now available

For those of you who missed the event, or who would like to share it with colleagues please find available:

Webinar outline

After introductions by the HSIB Director of Investigations and Associate Director of Maternity Investigations, the team covered the HSIB approach to investigations, and how they engage with both staff and patients.

HSIB then shared findings from their recent national investigation into emergency responses to heart attacks as well as a recent maternity investigation, both of which involved ambulance services. The webinar also featured a brief video which explains the investigation process and what someone could expect if interviewed by HSIB staff.

Afterwards there was the opportunity to ask questions to a panel of HSIB investigators.

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